National Service–Soviet Style
Wednesday, March 25th at 5:27PM EDT

This is almost too crazy for me to believe is actually happening in America.

The disastrous “service” bill I described earlier today is being rushed through the Senate to get it over to the House as fast as possible. Cloture will be filed in the Senate tonight (I am told) which means there need not be a final cloture vote until Friday, and then there would be additional time for debate and vote on final passage… but instead, there likely will be a “unanimous consent” agreement to having a vote by tomorrow night under threat of “staying in over the weekend” (which includes Friday – a scheduled “no vote” day) by Harry Reid.

This is how it goes in the Senate. Rush a 300 page bill through the Senate that will fundamentally re-shape the relationship not just between government and charity – but between our national government and charities nationwide, small and large… all so that Senators don’t have to be bothered over the weekend. After all, they have fundraisers to attend – fishing trips to take – golf matches to make.

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